I miss you.
Not like a casual faint to a passing thought. But an aching yearning from the bottom of my heart.
I think you of you. I reminisce, I recite, and I touch wherever you've lain your hands and lips, and legs -- between and on. I remember...
And I hope you remember, as well. The friendship we shared, and the love I gave, and the heart we synced at some point of blissful retreat - away from what we were supposed to be, and that someone worthy of such attention and heart.
I'm sure you know what I mean.
I'm sure there were bitter days, and regretful words -- trysts we should have made, and the ungodly things we should've done.
I want my words to reach you, and I need you to understand that this is not just a mere wish. This is my calling to you, that piece of you that belonged to me, to us, and no one else. Call it immature, as this message has reached you too late in life. But I cannot help but try.
I miss you too much. And I cannot believe I've been able to live for this long without you by my side.
Indulge me.
Your Dearest Friend.